

Had a couple of thoughts on cloning this is a bit strange, as I don’t really pay attention to this particular field.

But think about it a bit. If you got a disease something incurable or genetic then you can be fixed. If you have vision problem or there is some lethal virus out here then they can fix you. Sure all this assuming that they can get all your memories and maybe your soul to.

I don’t know how you would think about this but I would definitely like if in time my vision gets bad (because I getting old) to get to a hospital put me on “slip” and wake up in a newly engineered body with perfect vision and some small genetic engineering to make me immune to the latest viruses.

This would mean improving the quality of life, I would get older just as normally I would, but probably I would die only when I considered I have done all I wanted and do it in a peaceful way.

It’s true nature invented evolution for this but why leave it all on nature? We have done this in all fields why not in genetic?

Yes it could be used to bad purposes but almost everything can think about atomic energy or explosives.



Hm, it took me 3 weeks to solve a bug, that’s definitely a record.
Truth is I’m not sure it was a bug or a feature. It is a bug because
doesn’t worked, it did when I implemented the feature, but then “MN8”
changed and nobody tested those two methods. Now works, and it does it
nicely that’s what counts. It is also covered with tests cases so next
time it gets screwed will know. Cool we have now 1114 tests for “MN8”,
tests containing “MN8” script code running in a “MN8” script base test
framework. Cool.

We also have some new scrappers and a primitive “Jabber” client. For
now it is only able to send and receive normal messages. Will see
latter what more can we do with it.

RSS, RDF, OPML, scriptingNews2.xml concepts implemented. A cool thing all do is allowing you to have a  new RSS, RDF … feed containing only the new items since it was last invoked.

The only remaining things to do till we hand it over to our publisher are:
finishing the documents for the language syntax (the API for the
concepts is almost done), tackle a bit the basic error handling and do
some more examples.