
Quick Palm RSS Reader.

Today I took some time and wrote the MN8 script to harvest my subscription file from Radio and using a simple XSL to render it in some basic HTML. Once I had the HTML files rendered locally I only had to make a main page so that Plucker would convert them in it’s internal format. Here are some screen shots.

Palm RSS Reader screen shot 0 Palm RSS Reader screen shot 1

Not quite satisfied yet, not sure if I should leave the regular HTML
tags in description or I should convert it to txt, since doesn’t make
to much sense. The text would be a lot more readable. Also have to make
it to display only the differences since the last run. The buy line
from the shots is from the screen dumper program 🙂

Updated (8 june 2005): This was a simple experiment and by no way a final product or solution. You can check  Plucker for an complete Palm based news reader.

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Ovidiu Predescu’s Weblog.

Whoa, another Romanian blogging, not many of us out here, subscribed. BTW, looking at your resume you would be a candidate for the Java weblogs.

As for your wish list, neither I am satisfied with the current tools available, played with MovableType, pMachine and Radio. Radio
is almost there the only issue I have is that usually I keep two blogs,
one internal with the announcements, stories and rants which are
related to my work or field of interest or whatever and one public,
unfortunately Radio only handles properly one.

I’m still working on a document which is supposed to clarify what do
I want from such a tool and how it would be supposed to work, just
curious if there is a better way “;-)”

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